Nkomazi is a region of South Africa which has been devastated by unemployment, drought, and HIV/AIDS. It was from this area that Music for Life selected three African Children’s Choir groups starting in 2002.
Approximately 70 vulnerable and in-need children had the life changing opportunity of touring in the UK and Europe. They experienced high profile events such as ‘Live8’ in Hyde Park, BBC Proms at the Royal Albert Hall and visiting 10 Downing Street.
Music for Life Centres were also established in Nkomazi at this time with the model used to grow new centres in Kenya and Uganda.
Music for Life currently supports 40 former Choir children throughout their education in South Africa. The majority are studying at universities in Pretoria and Johannesburg. We are delighted to have a number of students who have already graduated and are working in Johannesburg and Nkomazi. Music for Life staff have been a constant in the students’ lives over the present two decades and those of their families, we enjoy good relationships as we sow into their lives.